Thursday, December 1, 2011

Interactive Urinals

Industrial Designer Marcel Neundörfer has designed a urinal that features a pressure-sensitive display screen for some gaming fun in restrooms.
When relieving yourself into this interactive urinal, you launch a mini-game that focuses on a target, with your stream acting as the input device. By targeting a specific area, you are prompted to control a character or object on the screen. In addition, the benefit of this interactive urinal is that people now really focus on hitting the urinal and not outside, as Neundörfer explains:
The reduced size of the “target” improves restroom hygiene and saves on cleanings costs (like the “fly in the urinal” at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport). It also makes a trip to the urinal “fun and games” – more than just a necessary nuisance.
We now wonder why Nintendo spent so much money on designing a freehand controller when every man already has a revolutionary controller.
Story from teamxbox
The You’re In Control (Urine Control)
An MIT project from a few years ago, ‘You’re In Control’ system uses computation to enhance the act of urination. Sensors in the back of a urinal detect the position of impact of a stream of urine, enabling the user to play interactive games on a screen mounted above the urinal.
See Video
Allan Giddy and Steven Greenwood , in 2002 used pre-existing urinals in a gallery toilet sensitised to allow participants (both male & female) to draw using their urine. As the urine passes through a light field it is tracked by computer. The resulting line drawings are traced life-size in real-time on monitors in an adjacent gallery space. The colour of each line drawing is determined by the pH value of the drawer’s urine. Each completed drawing is then uploaded automatically onto a website. This work celebrates the private, intimate, DIY act of urination as a creative activity. It provides all participants with, as it were, a canvas, giving them the opportunity to draw/paint their own works of art. Urine incident upon a sensor is sampled for its unique pH level, giving each participant the chance to leave his/her own colour pH signature for the first time.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just in China: female urinals to pee standing

Controversy. The Chinese students are the first to adapt to the new modality

An University in China incorporated an health facilities as novel as a gadget controversial: it is a urinal which allows, or obligations to evacuate women standing.

The students from Shanxi University  have to get used to urinate standing up, this because according to the authorities there is a market analysis that show this trend.

It is not just a provision for sexual equality, but a measure of savings, based on studies that argue that the ingrained habit of women to use the toilet, resulting in consuming twice as much water than men every time urinating.

What do you think..!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Men’s Restroom etiquette, code of conduct, and behaviors

Here are some of the funny things I have observed.

Men and women have a different way of behaving, especially in public restrooms. We all know, or at least assume, that women go into the restroom together to do makeup and talk… but what happens in the men’s room? Here are some things I have observed:
  • Conversation stops at the door! Occasionally, a conversation will continue until standing at the urinals, but that is a rare occurrence.
  • Urinals have an automatic “Code of Conduct” when the men using them are not directly related. If someone is at one urinal and there are more than two available, you do NOT choose the urinal next to the one being used. That is too forward and uncomfortable.
  • If two urinals are being used and there is one open between the two, chances are one will try a regular toilet in a stall before going to that urinal.
  • Only 30% wash their hands after using the facilities. Some are not even embarrassed to walk past all other men washing their hands.
Easy way to make man wash their hands.!!
  • Talking on the cell phone is allowed.
  • I once was in the Monterrey International Airport and heard a man in a stall “ripping” some huge amounts of gas while on the cell phone for business with a colleague.
  • Many crane their necks to hold their cell phone to continue their conversation while emptying their bladder at the urinal. (I always want to see the phone slip and fall into the urinal…)
  • I do not know women complain about men not putting the seat down – I just want men to put the seat up! All too often when I need to use the toilet, I pass from stall to stall looking for a toilet seat without urine on it. The urge to go passes quickly.
  • Men are like dogs. No need to aim for the urinal or the toilet – just mark your territory for all to know.
  • There are some urinals with fake houseflies imprinted on them. Manufacturers have found that restrooms stay cleaner when men have something to aim for.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

To Pee or Not to Pee – That is the Question?

I don’t know if there a Beer World Cup, but just let say it does exist. Imagine all the pee this players must do to drink all that beer. 

So I have a great idea, why do not incorporate another tournament where all this players can contest with Zoodoo™ products. Many people could say what Zoodoo™ product could be that cool, well I just giving some ideas for this cool idea.

                              ·   Football Goal                ·   Bullesye                ·   Kill the fly

    Now Imagine this ideas with some technology incorporated, for example some score’s board, some history archive of the scores, and many cool idea. What ideas do you think it will be better.!!

    Ladies, have you ever had a pee race? I mean racing in the bathroom, or racing the actual pee? Just Curiosity. 

    Monday, October 17, 2011


    This is the first advertisement of Zoodoo™ US. 
    Imagine your world with this enjoyable experience. It connect friend and make something normal into something amazing and funny. The real experience is made by the user and also by their abilities and skills. 

    Restrooms that are your style. Have fun. 

    Don’t play with fire,  play with Zoodoo™ 

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    Zoodoo™ Description

    Welcome to the Official Blog of Zoodoo™ US

    Zoodoo™ US is an innovative, entrepreneurial, original and pioneer company merging Restrooms and Entertainment. These two key words are the unique of the company; first it was the only need to go to restrooms, then they encourage the design and now Zoodoo™ will bring entertainment. 

    The experience around this unique idea will etched in your mind. Restrooms with interactive games, where the user can play while doing their needs.

    Tired and bored of the regular restrooms. 
    Zoodoo™ Products Coming Soon.  
    Waiting is the price of something amazing
    Mean while don't miss nothing: